Tiltay Timeline


1932 – Ari Sekerleme Established

İbrahim Tıltay, established  ‘Arı Şekerleme’   in Adana, Turkey in 1930. This is a photograph of the street where Arı Şekerleme was.

old candy

1932 – Products

Back then the shop was manufacturing akide şekeri  (rock candy), nöbet şekeri (crystallized candy) and helva (halvah).


1937 – First Food Show

After a wide production range, Arı Şekerleme exhibited their first food show in Istanbul in 1937. Ibrahim Tıltay is the gentleman on the left side.


1962 – Cigana Chewing Gum

The company started to produce chewing gum under the brand name ‘Cigana’.

It was one of the first gums that was wrapped by a aluminum foil in Turkey.

olimpiyat gum

1964 – Olimpiyat Chewing Gum

After the succes with Cigana gum, the company started to produce another gum in a different package with the name of ‘Olimpiyat Cikletleri’ (Olimpics Chewing Gum). The package had the sportsman picture cards who participated to the 1964 Tokyo Olimpics.

chocolate tube

1972 – First Chocolate in a tube Bambi.

With the help of İbrahim’s three young children, the company started to produce the first chocolate in a tube package in Turkey.

ibrahim tiltay

1979 – Ibrahim Tiltay pass away.

İbrahim Tıltay passed away in 1979 left the company to his three children Halit, Ali and Haluk Tıltay.

nut roasting

1982 – Nut Roasting

Three brothers started to a new job, nut roasting.


Ali, Halit and Haluk Tiltay, 1983.

popping candy

2002 – Popping Candy

Tiltay Gida started to produce popping candy.

popping candy

2007 – Pop Boom

New Popping Candy packaging, Pop Boom.

2007 – ISM Expo Cologne

Since 2005 Tıltay Confectionery participateed to every ISM Expo (Cologne-Germany).

2010 – All Candy Expo                (Sweet & Snakcs) – Chicago

Since 2006 Tıltay Confectionery participated to every All Candy Expo (Sweet & Snacks) in Chicago.


2012 – New Factory in Adana Turkey

After the succes in popping candy, the company moved to a 75,000 square feet factory to enhance the product tonnage.

2015 – Tiltay USA

Tiltay Gida opened a branch in New Jersey, ‘Tiltay U.S.A.’ for dry nut roasting and popping candy distribution.

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